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Approximate age:117,000 years old=average of minimum (0.1 Ma) and maximum (0.134 Ma)
Date based on: ESR, U-series See map of sites with similar ages
Dating reference: Grün, R., Stringer, C., McDermott, F., Nathan, R., Porat, N., Robertson, S., et al. (2005). U-series and ESR analyses of bones and teeth relating to the human burials from Skhul. Journal of human evolution, 49(3), 316.
Stringer, C. B., Gr¸n, R., Schwarcz, H. P., & Goldberg, P. (1989). ESR dates for the hominid burial site of Es Skhul in Israel.
Mercier, N., Valladas, H., Bar-Yosef, O., Vandermeersch, B., Stringer, C., & Joron, J. L. (1993). Thermoluminescence date for the Mousterian burial site of Es-Skhul, Mt. Carmel. Journal of Archaeological Science, 20(2), 169-174.
McDermott, F., Gr¸n, R., Stringer, C. B., & Hawkesworth, C. J. (1993). Mass-spectrometric U-series dates for Israeli Neanderthal/early modern hominid sites.
Hominids: Homo sapiens
Important specimens:
Location: ain Ghazal, Israel
Map location/coordinates reference:
Key references: d'Errico, F., Salomon, H., Vignaud, C., Stringer, C., 2010. Pigments from the Middle Palaeolithic levels of Es-Skhul (Mount Carmel, Israel). Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 3099-3110.