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Approximate age:40,000 years old=average of minimum (0.02 Ma) and maximum (0.06 Ma)
Date based on: rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter See map of sites with similar ages
Dating reference: rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter
Hominids: Homo neanderthalensis
Archaeology:Middle Stone Age (MSA)/Mousterian
Important specimens: Juvenile neanderthal cranium
Notes: Archaeology notes: Finlayson, C., Pacheco, F. G., RodrÌguez-Vidal, J., Fa, D. A., LÛpez, J. M. G., PÈrez, A. S., et al. (2006). Late survival of Neanderthals at the southernmost extreme of Europe. Nature, 443(7113), 850-853.
Location: north face of Rock, Gibralter
Map location/coordinates reference: Breuil, I'Abbe H. Paleolithic man at Gibraltar: new and old facts. Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. , 1922; LII: 46-54
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