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Approximate age:600,000 years old=average of minimum (0.2 Ma) and maximum (1 Ma)
Date based on: U-series, Biochron See map of sites with similar ages
Dating reference: Stearns, C. E., & Thurber, D. L. (1965). Th230/U234 dates of late Pleistocene marine fossils from the Mediterranean and Moroccan littorals. Progress in Oceanography, 4, 293-305.
Saban, R. (1977). The place of Rabat man (KÈbibat, Morocco) in human evolution. Current Anthropology, 18(3), 518-524.
Hominids: Homo
Important specimens: Subadult calvaria,
maxillary fragment,
Location: Mifsud-Giudice Quarry, near Rabat, Morocco
Map location/coordinates reference: Location based on written descriptions of site as occurring along beachfront in Kebibat area of Rabat [Marçais, J. (1934). Découverte de restes humains fossiles dans les grès quaternaires de Rabat. L'Anthropologie, 44(6), 579-583.
] and a drawing of the site in [Neuville, R., & Ruhlmann, A. (1942). L'âge de l'Homme fossile de Rabat. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 3(1), 74-88.
]. Location is in the center of ~0.25km of beachfront outcrops where the locality might occur. The location published on Wikimapia does not conform to the drawing in Neuville & Ruhlmann (1942), so the later is used.
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