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edit Toros Menalla Anthracotheriid Unit, TM 266, TM 247 and TM 292, Djurab Desert

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See Wikipedia entry for Toros Menalla Anthracotheriid Unit, TM 266, TM 247 and TM 292, Djurab Desert

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Approximate age:6,800,000 years old=average of minimum (6.4 Ma) and maximum (7.2 Ma)

Date based on: Biochronology See map of sites with similar ages

Dating reference:

Hominids: Sahelanthropus tchadensis      


Important specimens: Toumai, Sahelanthropus tchadensis cranium

Notes: Site of Sahelanthropus tchadensis. "The rich fauna from TM 266 includes a significant aquatic component such as fish, crocodiles and amphibious mammals, alongside animals associated with gallery forest and savannah, such as primates, rodents, elephants, equids and bovids. The fauna suggests a biochronological age between 6 and 7 million years." Vignaud et al. Article Nature 418, 152-155 (11 July 2002) | doi:10.1038/nature00880

Location: Toros-Menalla, Chad
Map location/coordinates reference:

Key references: Brunet, M. Two new Mio-Pliocene Chadian hominids enlighten Charles Darwin's 1871 prediction. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 365(1556), 3315-3321. Abstract The idea of an evolutionary sequence for humans is quite recent. Over the last 150 years, we have discovered unexpected ancestors, numerous close relatives and our deep evolutionary roots in Africa. In the last decade, three Late Miocene hominids have been described, two about 6 Ma (Ardipithecus and Orrorin) in East Africa and the third dated to about 7 Ma (Sahelanthropus) in Central Africa. The specimens are too few to propose definite relationship to other species, but clearly these belong to a new evolutive grade distinct from Australopithecus and Homo. Moreover, all of them were probably habitual bipeds and lived in woodlands, thus falsifying the savannah hypothesis of human origins. In light of all this recent knowledge, Charles Darwin predicted correctly in 1871 that Africa is the birthplace of humans, chimpanzees and our close relatives. presents precise geographic locations and current best date estimates for late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sites with human ancestor (hominin) fossils and archaeology. Several interactive visual interfaces allow users to generate maps and tables that relate localities, fossils, tools, and evolutioanry events with geography and time. The data content is dynamic and is updated daily, as are new interface features. This site started as a course syllabus for Anthropology 3101: Human Evolution 2 at California State University, East Bay, and grew with each quarter it was used. Now has over 200 sites and hundreds of bibliographic citations. Check back often for updates. human evolution database paleoanthropology biological anthropology database physical anthropology human origins coordinates site locations location latitude longitude age Pleistocene database Quaternary database Pliocene Holocene evolutionary history site database geochronology hominin hominidae hominid hominini acheulean oldowan middle stone age mousterian paleolithic late stone age neolithic hominin database hominin DB hominin darabase hominin dayabase hominin datavase hominid darabase hominid dayabase hominid datavase hominid database hominid fossil database human origins database hominin database hominin fossil database hominid skull human ancestor database fossil human ancestors best paleoanthropology site best paleoanthropology database best hominin database best hominid database hominin site database hominid site database coordinates map hominid site map hominin site map paleoanthropology site coordinates human evolution database human origins database fossil record database